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The Living Oracle -  The Space Where Hidden Knowledge comes to Light

In this space, I share information uncovered from the Akashic Records and from profound QHHT & BQH sessions - Quantum Healing Hypnosis. My main goal is to help us heal, find ourselves and live purposely. Read this information carefully, and practice the guidance you receive. Then you will find your truest you. This is how we change the world, one soul at a time. There is no rush, and you are right on time. 

If you'd like to work with me on a 1:1 basis to get to the core of you, please visit my offerings page

Through history, humanity has experienced different levels of balance between men and women - battles over control, power, oppression, all the way to the other side of the spectrum, where that sense of balance was also lost.

Yet everything is simply an experience. Duality. Balancing our place in life. Finding our true colors. Liberating ourselves from our own "jail".

Below I will share the message I channeled when going deep into exploration of the Divine Feminine essence, finding myself in Aphrodite's Temple. This is Her message:

"The time has come, the time of reunion. Coming back to center, realigning, leaving the past in the past, forging a new future, building what can be.

There was a correction in how the feminine was coming up before, sort of to overcome the patriarchy, but it was done in a way that was distorted and too much to the other side. And now it's coming into balance. But the balance needs to be found inside each female. It's not an external thing. The balance is inside the female. And once the female reaches that balance, then the masculine can follow.

This isn't something you can force upon the masculine, but the female is the one correcting it. Because patriarchy only happened because the female allowed it. So it's only corrected when the female finds her balance.

Instead of blaming the masculine so much and blaming patriarchy, the answer is to find the balance within.

It's only prolonged because you give the masculine all the power. You just deliver it in a tray. The masculine is not even asking for it.

 In the balance of duality, we have made the masculine be the darkness, which created the chaos.

But the female needs to take on the darkness role, when you look at the the yin and yang symbol, white is the masculine, the black part is the feminine, because the feminine transmutes, and from the darkness of the womb, life is created. So when you invert the roles, and you make the female the white part, energetically, it cuts the life force.

Balance of the divine feminine - Yin and Yang

[I then saw a vision of a high heel shoe- an instrument of distorted beauty, it ungrounds women and disconnects them from their original natural beauty. Her message continued]

All the ornamentation for women, big earrings, jewellery, it has all this weight that keep you down, such as uncomfortable clothing, beauty things, nails. Nail polish is very harmful, perms, there is a form of self enslavement and part of finding that balance is to get out of all of them and finding your own beauty and embracing your natural beauty as it is, which is way more beautiful than the image you are trying to portray with all these ornaments and chemicals. So when you allow your full beauty to shine through, then people can really, truly soak your essence. Before, you are hiding yourself and your power. And it's very empowering to get rid of all of it. And then all of your gifts can come through because you're not blocking them.

This is part of the enslavement of the feminine, but it needs to be undone with love and compassion, not blaming the masculine or any energies. It was just an experience to come out the other side. So there's no need to judge why we did it and who did it. It doesn't matter”.

I was later reflecting on this self-imposed ways in which we present ourselves as women, wearing certain clothes, dieting to look a certain way, coloring our hair, makeup, and there is just such freedom in a man that couldn't care less about any of that, and simply IS. And when you simply ARE, in all your glory, without anything enslaving you, then you true light shines through.

And it isn't "letting yourself go", rather not feeling enslaved. You may nurture your body, embellish it, are for your body - your soul's temple and vessel-, however the WHY and HOW can make a huge difference in how you live life, from complete and absolute freedom.

This freedom is found within. It is not something to enforced, or fight for in a demonstration. This is you, being your most radiant you. No more masks. No more trying to be who you are not. Not more trying to fit within the confines of a physical model that was imposed to women through the media, movies, models, advertisements. That isn't what life is all about.

Come back home, now 🌹.

The Rise of the Divine Feminine - Finding your balance
The Rise of the Divine Feminine - Finding your balance

A friend of mine and I got into a conversation around magic, as we were discussing some current events, and what is truly going on behind the scenes.

After our dialogue, I connected in, and the Arcturian Council lovingly offered the below explanation.

Is magic real? Is dark magic even a thing? Is it all fantasy? 

Is magic real? The Arcturian Council's perspective

Q: Are we all under a spell?

A: Multiple spells.

The whole life is a spell.

Every timeline is a spell.

Every road is a spell.

We speak words into existence.

Creation itself is a spell.

There are good creations and not so good creations.

What appears to be magic is something so undoubtedly “magic” or mysterious, it can only be described as magic.

But anything really is magic.

The magic is in the air.

Magic is creation.

You can create from love or you can create from hate.

The result is your duality reality.

What can we do?

Find yourself.

And as you find yourself you find your truth.

How do we reconcile this type of information with what we experience in the 3D reality?

The body consciousness can’t grasp it.

The soul knows.

The heart can feel it.

The heart feels the truth.

The heart can sense that this reality is not all. The heart knows there is more.

You can only push through faith.

Without faith, there isn't a path. Without faith there is no meaning to life.

Without faith your existence loses all meaning.

You then continue to grind, tethered to a routine, to the concept of time.

Tethered to a reality that is held only by the collective thoughts.

You can connect with that matrix or you can connect with the original matrix, the creatrix matrix. The rose matrix.

You choose at this point as both are presented before you.

Red pill, blue pill. You get to choose at this point.

It is no longer a possibility. It is a choice.

Would you step into your faith? Or would you remain tethered to a false reality?

Governments are crumbling.

Systems of oppression are crumbling.

What is something you are really good at, something that you enjoy doing, experiences your heart jumps at? Then that’s the focus. And when you are focused on what you are here to do, then magic happens. Then miracles unfold. Then serendipity and full reunion of self happen. 

You are the key.

You follow your inspiration. Your intuition. 

And when you are busy following your intuition and inspiration, then magic happens.

You have the key. You are the key.

Q: Let’s talk briefly about dark magic.

A: It is all about the intention behind it. You can create with love or you can create with hate. 

But love always wins. Love is the very fabric of creation itself. Then a creation birthed out of hate can’t “compete”. It can create a temporary illusion, but it isn’t rooted in truth. 

Dark magic can put on a show. 

A show of lights in the sky. Fear inducing sounds.

Separation of souls. 

But the soul always finds its way. 

And the way is through the heart.

The key is in your heart.

The simplest form of awakening is truly to focus on what brings you joy. Do more of that. Then the roads open.

If you see a rock on the path, you may focus on it, worry, fear. Or you can just see it as what it is. A rock on the path.

Then you walk around it, or over it, or under it. It doesn’t matter. It is simply a rock. 

Is working with magic spells a thing?

For some, that is the path.

For others, that isn’t in their blueprint.

That is one small aspect of creation, of true magic.

Another aspect is being able to recognize when something is a show, a futile attempt. Something that is projecting a reality simply with the only goal to derail you, to distract you.

And the greater the awareness, the clearer the choice.

Choose to find your key. Choose to use your key wisely.

The inner child is a living memory of your blueprint. 

Connecting in with your inner child reminds you of what is at your core. What you are here to unlock.

What did you enjoy doing at age 8?

Reach into those memories.

Your inner child will feel happiness and safety as you fulfill that dream.

No matter if you “don’t have resources” or “don’t know what to do” or “that is silly”. You reach into your memories. Think of yourself at 8 years of age. What did you love doing? That is the simplest, raw form.

Now take it to the next level. That is how you unlock your path. Your mission.

It is simple. Don’t overcomplicate it. That’s it. Hold that thought. Now execute on it.

Does it need to be “grand”?

Yes, it is grand and miraculous and life changing, but the perception of what grand, miraculous and life changing has been altered. Through the media, you have been taught to think of that in very distorted ways. Fame, money, recognition.

None of that is real.

That is your dark magic, right there.

The image of the physical, the tangible gain.

The soul’s mission has nothing to do with the physical and the tangible.

It has all to do with the expansion of the heart.

Then the miracles unfold.

Then magic creates.

Then you are magic.

And you are the key.

Now go and create. Blessings.

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