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The Living Oracle -  The Space Where Hidden Knowledge comes to Light

In this space, I share information uncovered from the Akashic Records and from profound QHHT & BQH sessions - Quantum Healing Hypnosis. My main goal is to help us heal, find ourselves and live purposely. Read this information carefully, and practice the guidance you receive. Then you will find your truest you. This is how we change the world, one soul at a time. There is no rush, and you are right on time. 

If you'd like to work with me on a 1:1 basis to get to the core of you, please visit my offerings page

Writer's pictureJulia Lera

Updated: Mar 23, 2024

I choose to integrate all aspects of myself, present, past, future, dimensions, existence planes and realms into this NOW.

I choose to integrate my physical body with my light body, charging my magnetic field with God light.

Love is my power source and my way.

I choose to ignore the noise, the chatter, the prophesies, and simply carry on with my journey to self-mastery.

Practicing loving detachment when needed, protecting my light and acknowledging the lessons played by me and others in this Big Game called Life.

And so it is.

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