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Your reality is a reflection of your inner self - and here's how to master it

What is manifesting? How does it truly work? Why do we keep on failing to manifest certain things in our life? (health, wealth, relationships, whatever it is you are blocked with). How do you change your reality?

The following explanation comes from the Akashic Records. It is layered yet extremely simple, and my wish is that you read it a couple of times, reflect on it, getting into your heart space to integrate it.

(Also, on the topic of accessing your Akashic Records, this book is excellent).

Manifesting is the innate ability to reorganize reality around you.

What you see is a reflection of your mind.

Hence recognizing that your mind changes the exterior.

One way to put it is to realize life is but a game.

Then you start playing consciously.

Before, you play unconsciously.

And you just let the world happen at you.

Ending the victim cycle means to understand how the game operates.

If you operate from a space of vulnerability. Of lack of control. Lack of memory of who you are, then life happens at you.

That is why so many children and young souls go through trauma, accidents, abuse.

At that stage of their life they don’t have any memories of who they are and what the game is all about.

As you start growing and maturing you start realizing what it all is. A big experiment. A game.

And if you play the rules correctly, you play your game well, then life will become easier. Will you eliminate thrill? In a way yes, because it is all inside of our mind.

It is all in the reaction.

Even breaking a bone can be made easy, if you understand the mechanics of bone density, bone reconstitution and the reflection of the mind from the inner to the outer.

The truth is that you are all light and there’s a reflective quality of this matrix we live in. Think of it as a reaction when your light body touches the oxygen. An instant reaction. So however the light body is acting out or feeling (feelings create, remember?). Then in contact with oxygen the shape forms.

So no matter how many affirmations you say, if the light body is in dissonance, it is just a law of the universe that upon contact with the air around you, your body will reflect/form a certain shape. It is simply natural law.

What about disease?

The disease is related to each energy center. So you can isolate them, or you can work all of them at once. 

How can we feel more energized?

Resting is removing the emotions you are holding on to.

At night, that’s what your body does.

You release the emotions of the day.

If you are holding many other’s emotions, then it can be quite the eventful night.

How about diet and exercise? Does it matter to care?

It is important to nourish the reflection. It is a testament to self love.

Self harm in the form of consumption, drugs, narcotics, sugars continues to replicate the image of poor health. Out of shape. Poor sleep. It is a vicious cycle.

Proper nourishment happens when you understand how the body is formed, every millisecond. As a reflection of your inner. When touching the air around you. 

So if it replicates every nanosecond, every nanosecond you have the ability to change completely. And that is how we are able to heal. 

You change the inner. Then the reflection changes.

Only when you keep holding on to old beliefs does the outer change.

You can understand all of this intellectually but unless fully integrated, nothing will change. You won’t heal. 

Let's break it down through relationships

Relationships mirror what is going inside. At any point of your life, many relationships will come and go. They each show the reflection of the current inner.

For example, if the reflection is showing in front of you an unavailable person, and we understand that everything is a reflection of your inner light body, what does it mean to be attracted to such experience?

You aren’t truly available and open to a new reflection.

So you hold on to what wasn’t.

The inner reflection wants a beautiful mirror. Yet the mirror can only reflect. It doesn’t create. The mirror can’t change you.

Only you can change yourself.

So if you are feeling that it would be so nice to share life with another person...

You are reflecting that you are feeling lonely.

So the reflection will be evasive. Unavailable.

When the outer is reflecting evasive. Invisible. Non-existent. It means that is exactly the feeling inside.

How can you change that pattern?

By understanding why you are feeling lonely. Feel into it. Why do you feel lonely?

Perhaps you needed more peace, and by removing all stress/people that were breaking your peace/situations that were controlling your peace you inadvertently became lonely?

Or perhaps you aren't truly open to sharing your life with another person. Then you manifest the non-available, the evasive, so you don't have to fall in the cycle of co-dependency or trauma from the past.

Without focusing on the reflection and how it should look like, try to focus on the inner world. How are you feeling available now?

So how can me make the best out of our time here on Earth?

Focus on the now. The human mind tends to overly focus on the past and the future.

But the now is always ignored. Always overlooked.

How can we focus in the present?

Gratitude helps you focus in the present. Observing. And feeling gratitude.

Admiring the beauty of the moment grounds you in the now.

Grounding really means to enjoy the present. You don’t ground in the past or the future.

Manifestation is always instant.
What is not instant is your mind shifting.

You can intellectually understand “change beliefs” to let go of old ideas. But a part of you continues to hold on to them.

The notion that you aren’t enough, that you are plagued with faults. That you won’t be able to pay the bills.

You feel out of control, so you give all the control to others (the reflections).

You feel under-appreciated so you give others the power to destroy your confidence.

The process of going within, of discovering your inner light - your light body- helps you focus on this concept. Your body then is some sort of a skin suit. A reaction to the environment.

A reflection of your inner light body.

And so is the reality around you. The reflections. The mirrors. The situations, the exchanges, the relationships.

The more you grow the light, the more you understand this. The more the outer reflects the inner.

An enlightened inner reflects youth, vigor, strength. Energy. 

Here is an exercise:

Imagine yourself as a silhouette made of light. A whole body made out of light that is inside your physical body. That is what you actually "look" like.

This light is a fractal of the main Creator light. Hence it has the same abilities.

By experiencing this space, our light body goes through a process of reacting to the environment, creating a physical body and a physical experience. Every nanosecond you reflect a new version of you (hence at any point anything really can shift, heal, change, mute). Another "side effect" of this place is that we forget what we are, who we are and what we are capable of, for the thrill of finding it all over again.

And if everything is but a reflection. Anything is but a game, an experience, and you start slowly shifting your perspective from not remembering at all, to slowly remembering... how is your life going to change?

How much fun are you going to allow yourself to have?

How much more will you love the experience?

Gratitude. Ground in the now moment. Enjoy every moment.

Stop dreaming. Start living. 

The dream is the now. You are the dream.

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My name is Julia Lera

I'm a QHHT Practitioner Level II, BQH Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. This is the space where I share all the hidden knowledge that help us get unstuck. Join me on a journey to the depths of your soul. 

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