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Why everything will be ok - Channeling Mother Creator and this week in QHHT sessions

Writer's picture: Julia LeraJulia Lera

The past couple of weeks I've been experiencing very interesting QHHT sessions. I've been meeting newly awakened souls (as of... last month!) and there's definitely a greater sense of urgency during these times and what is unraveling before our eyes.

I feel like more souls are being awaken at this very moment, and it may look a bit different for each individual. But the spark is definitely there and I see it in the least expected places.

Something that has been coming through in sessions is for sure the acceleration of the destruction of the current structures. The need to wake up. The need to fully embody your Light. To clear your traumas so your higher self can fully navigate this existence and bring it all in. It is time, and they are not waiting anymore. And yes, I do realize this sounds very doom and gloom. But keep reading, as there's a greater meaning behind all of this.

About 2 weeks ago, Mother Creator showed me a vision.

A little girl was making a sand castle. She was putting so much detail into it, it looked great and she was so focused.

Then from behind, a naughty little boy came in and smashed it.

Then the girl grabbed a bunch of sand in her hands and showed me: "Notice how each individual piece of sand is intact. Nothing happened to each individual. What fell down was the collective construction (aka... the matrix). The matrix - or this reality- is being created every millisecond by each individual soul.

Then she showed me the number 7. I made the connection with the Bible, and I said "do you mean, And in the 7th day, God rested?", but she corrected me. "No, on the 7th day, everything was destroyed. And a new creation was built, a new cycle of life".

She showed me we are on the cusp of that destruction. And while it may look a bit unsettling... what is being destroyed is what we all collectively create. The institutions, the silly rules we've been abiding for so long, and overall what is keeping us... unhappy. (also... there are many unseen forces at play).

So again... each individual piece of sand will be completely fine.

She showed me lots of fires everywhere, more planes and sightings.

Then going back to the image of the sand castle, she said: "I always listen to all your prayers and I always help. But you have to understand, sometimes your wish may break balance in another part of the "sand castle" - so having harmony is always priority, and I always make it work for all". (The visual was she taking a bunch of sand from the one side, and part of the sand castle going down if she were to just answer to one prayer).

I asked the higher self today: With all these events coming, are we supposed to continue manifesting beautiful experiences? and the higher self said: "Yes. What comes next will be extraordinary. Hold the vision".

Hold the vision of the New Earth. And really focus on grounding your energy for everybody to feel better.

46 views12 comments


Feb 03

Beautiful Beautiful Julia,

Thanks for this higher perspective on the world around us…..I ‘ve been extremely

challenged by it all😎💖. Sending you so much love and gratitude 😘 Cate💖💖💖

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Much love to you! 😘


Feb 03

Oh Julia

, thank you! 🙏🥰

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Maryann Faith
Feb 03

I love reading your wonderful posts. They are truth and so comforting. Thank you Julia for sharing your truth and light with the world. Oxx

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Thank you, Maryann! sending so much love your way


Feb 03


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Feb 03

It does bring hope. I love it. When I was reading my akashic records the other day I received a message that it’s time for the old structures to be destroyed and for us, as individuals, to choose if we want to release our old personal structures and patterns so that we can move into the new world.

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So interesting - happening outside and inside of us. Thank you for sharing!



My name is Julia Lera

I'm a QHHT Practitioner Level II, BQH Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. This is the space where I share all the hidden knowledge that help us get unstuck. Join me on a journey to the depths of your soul. 

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner Level II (QHHT®) based in San Francisco, CA

Akashic Records Readings.

©2023 by Soul Journeys with Julia

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