Can anybody access their own Akashic Records? What is the best method?
Think of the Akashic Records as a vibrational library containing everything that has ever been, is and will be. Everywhere you've been, everything you've done in this and other lives, as a being and non-being are recorded in this live database that can be easily accessed at any time for guidance and deeper understanding of your journey.
There are several ways of accessing the Akashic Records, and there are a couple of main "rules" or guidelines to make the best use of this vast resource.
I personally studied with Dr Linda Howe, but I have also explored other methods that utilize meditation, attunements, chanting or a prayer.
It is said that there are different access points to this information - and for the most part, you won't be accessing directly, rather via your guides/higherself.
Can anybody access the Akashic Records?
Yes and no. While technically we all have the innate ability (and right!) to access the Akashic Records, in my experience, those who feel an inclination to explore them will have an easier time developing their skill. Those who have a strong belief that they "can't see anything" or they can't meditate or they can't trust themselves will very likely have a really hard time getting there. But it is definitely possible for all.
What is the difference between the Akashic Records and a psychic/medium reader?
For me, accessing the Akashic records is having a loving dialogue with my guides. I get to ask any questions I have about the Universe, what is happening around me, I ask advice on life decisions and overall get to see my life from a greater perspective, even when I'm deep in a challenging situation.
Normally, a talented psychic medium can take questions about potential future possibilities, aspects and more day-to-day information.
You wouldn't necessarily ask about your future in the Records - as you are building your future now- rather it is a way of seeking spiritual guidance. It is in itself a spiritual practice, one that over time can get you into a much higher version of you.
Can I see my past lives through the Akashic Records?
Yes, while past life explorations is definitely a possibility, it is not always the best use of your time in the records. You can certainly feel curious and want to explore a past life or two, but a better question would be: "Are there any past life experiences affecting my present that I can benefit from observing?". Or perhaps understanding a relationship, you may ask if you have had a particular past life (or several) that are still playing out in this present at a subconscious level that you should clear.
How are the Akashic Records experienced? is this a 3rd eye visualization?
For most people, accessing the Akashic Records isn't too visual. It is most similar to channeling. When reading for others, many practitioners sit in front of the recipient (or via Zoom) and answer questions, or it can also be done via automatic writing or recording once's voice.
According to Linda Howe's research, most people actually won't see visions, however for some people it can be.
What is the difference between accessing the Akashic Records and Channeling?
When channeling, we connect with a specific being, and we either give them a voice and have them come in and say what they need to say.
When connecting with the Akashic Records, the reader connects with the master, teachers or ancestors of the person being read and asks very specific questions. The library is very vast, and it is very important to narrow down the questions.
Can you re-write your Akashic Records?
While I have seen people use terms like re-writing their records, or clearing the records, what truly happens is you get to observe an event or behavior or relationship, you ask to see it from all angles, you ask for guidance, and after integrating the root cause, the event or relationship no longer triggers you or affect your present life. In a way, you are "clearing", however the information isn't "erased".
Are there any "rules" about the Akashic Records?
yes - generally you don't want to be reading for children, or accessing records without the person's consent (you won't be able to read them anyways) and you can't read under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
How can I access my Akashic Records?
Below I'll share a couple of ways you can get started (you don't need all of them, you choose what resonates most with you):
Read the book Accessing your Akashic Records, by Linda Howe.
Receive Rebecca Campbell's Akashic Attunement
Try this Youtube class (free!)
Try a meditation
If you don't feel comfortable trying or you don't think you'll be able to trust yourself accessing your own records, I'd be happy to access your Akashic Records.
