A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon Maureen St Germain's work and I took her Merkaba activation course and read her books on the subject, alongside Drunvalo Melchizedek's work, the basis of her class.
I worked with the concept and meditation for a while and I found it helpful. Lately, the concept of working with the merkaba came through again during a QHHT session, which peaked my interest.
To get deeper into this subject, I accessed my Akashic Records and here's what was explained to me:
"Every being in the Universe has a merkaba, or light body. That is your life force energy. It is what fuels your existence. Your connection to the Creator Source. It is made out of the same energy that creates universes. It is the spark of the Creator in you.
It can be very tiny or it can be huge, as in higher dimensional beings of light. When you visualize a light being of 7ft tall, that means they have grown their light body to that size, it is an indication of the growth and expansion of that individual.
Some become constellations. Complex universes. Creators themselves.
The more you grow your light body, the more you expand, and the more you magnetize the experiences you want to create and see for yourself. You are here to create, to work with energy, to understand how this works and have fun with it.
The solar plexus hosts the light body. It holds it into your body. It is the connection to the body.
The heart chakra is the portal to the divine. The crown the connection to the higher realms. The sacral the creator force, the throat the words that speak realities into existence, the 3rd eye is your multidimensional vision.
The root chakra holds you into this dimension. Into the Mother Earth energy. It also feeds you. That is the hook to abundance. Working with your root chakra helps you anchor abundance. See abundance everywhere. The difference between the need and the want.Â
The solar plexus holds your life force energy.
From there it is hooked. That is the beginning.
Babies have large light bodies. They shrink as the kid grows and forgets everything.
Then as you come back to center, normally mid life, you can actively grow it again. Until the light body takes over.Â
Many never do this.Â
It is the experience they came to see through. What would it feel to be completely disconnected from my life force energy?
What would it feel to be reconnected?
To have such experience of reconnection?
Here's how you can work with yours:
The method is quite simple. Getting tangled up in a specific method is detrimental to the task. Getting entangled in the technique is a mistake. It is a big limitation. If you are only supposed to access the higher realms through a very intricate and specific technique… then why do you have intuition. Your own heart portal. Your own abilities to connect at any point in time.
Visualize your solar plexus. See light. See your light body.
Does it feel small, bigger? Same outline as the body, or different?
Now imagine that you make it grow. Just with your visualization.
See the movement. How is the movement?
Imagine yourself being transported in this chariot. Where would you go?
Now, from my personal point of view, why would you want to do this, you may ask?
Several reasons: to grow your light body, to magnetize what you want in life (versus letting your pain and trauma reflect the reality around you), to essentially pass the "reins" to the higher self, as opposed to personifying your body and experiencing life from that perspective.
Much like Light Language, I see it as the ultimate "life hack" for your spiritual growth and manifestation.
On another note, in the traditional teachings of the Merkaba there's a very specific visual that needs to be followed (see my image below), however as I connect in with my light body and feel into my "shape" I see it closer to a dandelion. And from I have learned in the Records, every soul may have a very distinct and unique shape. Feel into yours. Don't limit it. Draw it and see how it flows and shines, then focus on making bigger, and if throughout the day you forget about it and fall into pain and other challenging experiences, take a moment to connect in with your merkaba, see it grow, and see how you feel.

Thank you Julia. I just went into stillness and a thought about the merkaba symbol and it’s activation came up. When I came out of stillness, a little later, I saw your post.